Submission Guidelines

Kartika Review publishes creative writing from Asian Pacific Islander American perspectives and creative writing that engages with Asian Pacific Islander Americans in thoughtful ways to challenge Orientalism, Yellow Peril, racism, xenophobia, American Empire, colonialism, and other forms of oppression.


When you submit your work, please include a note in the cover letter area with a short bio and a comment about one or more individual works that you have enjoyed in our previous issues (list the author and title). You can read our archives online on our website.

There is no fee for submissions.

Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please withdraw your submission if it is accepted elsewhere. We do not publish reprints except as solicited by the editors.

Please submit your work for consideration only once each calendar year unless expressly solicited by the editors to submit revised or other work. This restriction applies separately to each category (poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction)—so you are welcome to submit more than once a year if your work falls in different categories.


If accepted, we will publish your work initially online and then in a print-on-demand anthology. You will retain copyright but assign us the rights to first publication online and the rights to reprint your work in the anthology.

We do not offer payment for work. However, you will have a chance to purchase print-on-demand anthologies at cost.

You will also be joining the network of authors we've published and interviewed in Kartika Review's pages, and we invite you to connect with us on social media.

Published June 30, 2017